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Hope you all are having a great start to your week! We had a pretty busy weekend. At the top are a couple pics of John David all dressed up for church yesterday. He looked so cute, and he was obsessed with his tie. He's really into doing everything Jeremy does, so the tie was a big deal! Friday night our church had their Fall Festival and the kids all wore their costumes. I didn't make costumes this year. Dawn and Corey's grandma wanted to buy them costumes, and once the other kids found out they wanted store bought costumes too. :( I missed the fun I usually have making the costumes with the kids, but my sewing machine is in Tennessee with my mom, so I guess it was just as well. I totally forgot to take some pictures of them in their costumes, but they are wearing them again on Halloween night, so I'll be sure and take some then. Then on Saturday, we had a soccer game, and picked up Morgan (Kylie's best friend). Morgan spent the night, and the girls had a blast. they played dress up, and we made donuts. Long after everyone else was asleep, Kylie and Morgan were huddled in Kylie's bed giggling and whispering. They are so happy together. It really warms my heart to see them together. Among their more obvious similarities, the blonde hair, their smiles, and their almost identical personalities, we recently discovered that their birthdays are only a week apart, and they both have outie bellybuttons!! How crazy is that?! I guess they always say that everyone has a twin somewhere. Well, Kylie found hers! Dawn and Corey's grandma and dad were at church with us again yesterday. We also saw them at the Fall Festival, and Dawn's soccer game. It has taken some getting used to, but we are getting better at being comfortable spending so much time all together. With the progress that the case has made recently, the social worker said this week that Dawn and Corey may be able to go home (to their grandma's) sometime in January. As hard as this is, Jeremy and I know that God is working overtime in this situation, and how incredible it is to be apart of this family mending. Just please keep praying for us. Looking at the calendar this week, it doesn't look like it should be too hectic. That would be nice for a change! Love you all, and thank you to God Almighty who has for now blessed us with these.
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