Thursday, February 14, 2008

Meet the New Knutson Kid

Here is the first picture of the new Knutson baby! Thank you to Jennifer for scanning it for me! I'm only 12 weeks, so there is still not a lot to see, but the baby was moving all over the place. In eight more weeks (the next scheduled ultrasound) , we will have better pictures, and we will know if it's a boy or girl! The kids still keep changing their minds, but right now they all agree on wanting it to be a boy. No matter how many times we've done this, there's something so miraculous about seeing the baby, watching it jump and kick, and hearing that heartbeat. Nothing compares to that. It looks like the baby has Jeremy's nose! :) Just kidding! I'm doing well. My blood pressure medicine has kicked in and my pressures are back to normal. Thank you for all your prayers!


Cindy said...

Whoooo Hooo! I can't wait to meet this little person. Can't decide if they are praying or banging their head against the wall. Either way they will definately fit into this family. Thankful to the Lord for another little one. Trusting Him to keep them safe.

Andrea McKay said...

"they"?!?! How many are there? B/c I only see one. :)