We were very excited to have my Uncle Joe and his wife Leona visiting last Sunday and Monday. They were passing through on their way to vacation in South Carolina, and we were lucky enough to spend some time with them. We hadn't seen them since shortly after Luke was born! There was lots of playing cards of course (our favorite past time with Uncle Joe and Leona), and they even taught us a new card game called "Golf". Hitching a ride from Indiana, our Christmas presents from Nanny and Michael were a welcome surprise. It was Christmas again at our house for a little bit! The kids got some fun craft supplies and some other goodies, and all three big kids got new watches. Jeremy and I got a new game called "Don't Quote Me" and a few other things. We can't wait to try it out with our friends! Uncle Joe and Leona also brought the kids a VHS copy of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. It's the version with Donny Osmond, and the kids got a kick out it. They've watched it like five times already! Half my pictures came out fuzzy for some reason, but here's a few that turned out okay.

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