Here's a few "Odds and Ends" that I wanted to update everyone on:
- We started back to school last week. Caitlyn and John David are doing great getting back into the swing of things. Kylie is having a little trouble getting motivated, but I think if we can stay healthy (see #3) that she'll adjust back to our normal schedule. The holidays were so fun with no school and all play!
- Caitlyn started dance (ballet/tap) this last Thursday. Her and Kylie both have classes on Thursday night but not at the same time. Thursday nights will be crazy till the end of May (we just camp out at the dance studio from 4:00 to 8:00), but the girls are doing fantastic, and Caitlyn was so excited! Her teacher even said that she couldn't believe how well Caitlyn picked up the steps and things. Recital is in May and then we'll take a break for the summer. Caitlyn is still playing violin as well, and has a recital coming up in the next few months.
- Sunday night at church, Kylie got sick suddenly and we all had to head home. Within half an hour of being home, I was vomiting and before midnight Caitlyn and John David were too. We have a nasty stomach bug and all that entails... yuck!! Poor Jeremy was the only adult well, and he camped out on the couches with John David and Caitlyn all night, cleaning up vomit and doing laundry. What a man!! I kept Kylie in our bedroom with me and took care of her in between my own bouts of sickness. Jeremy was able to stay home yesterday from work and tend to the sickly. That was a huge help! Luckily Luke never got sick. Jeremy is back at work today, and though the vomiting has stopped, we are all pretty weak. Luke woke up in the night with a fever and a cough and has gone downhill since. At least it's not the stomach thing. :) We're taking it one day at a time... having great friends who leave you groceries at your door make it easier though. Thanks Pam!!!! We were surprised to find four bags of groceries at our front door last night from my friend, Pam. Milk, bread, saltines, ginger ale, chicken noodle soup and more!

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