The last few weeks have been so busy here with the snow, the girls' birthdays and sleepover, and the kids passing around a cold, but I guess I always say that. It all comes with the territory with four kids, a husband and a dog I suppose! :) Anyway, I wanted to take some time today and catch up on some family posts. Jeremy has been busy busy working on even more house remodeling projects!
I forgot to take a "before" picture of my laundry room/pantry/hot water heater closet but I found this picture from last year that shows at least part of what it was like before.
As you can see, my washer and dryer were covered by folding doors, and off to the left side was a VERY small door that housed the hot water heater, but that we also used as a very much needed pantry space. We had been talking about doing something with this space for quite awhile, because the folding doors and the pantry door remained open most of the time (except when we had company over) and the small door on the left was so small that no adult could walk in it without turning sideways. I won't even mention how I manged to get myself wedged in the pantry one day! Lucky for me, Jeremy was home. :D
A few weeks ago, I heard a strange noise one evening and came out to the kitchen to see my husband sawing away at the post between the small door and the folding doors. When he decides he's going to do something, he just starts right then without warning! There was one thing he hadn't thought about though. This was a Thursday night and we were having 40 people over on Sunday night for the playoff game! After he assured me he would get it completed and finish painting my kitchen, I sat back and let him go to work. Jeremy always comes through and does a great job, so I wasn't worried... very much.
By late Saturday night here is what my new laundry room/pantry/hot water heater closet looks like!
Complete with hooks for my aprons, and even a dark wood wall behind the washer and dryer, Jeremy completed the room in about 48 hours and I LOVE it! It's accessible and thanks to these gorgeous baskets, new pantry shelves, and a hamper that Jeremy turned into dog food storage, it's organized too.
Instead of taking on the expense of putting in cabinetry above the washer and dryer and above the hot water heater (hiding behind the shelves), Jeremy kept the existing shelving units and covered them with very nice looking bamboo roman shades, and used some storage baskets that matched the dog food storage.
We just need to get one more matching roman shade for the window on the back door and it'll be perfect! It is amazing how much bigger my kitchen/dining area seems now. Thank you sweetheart!

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