Wow! Twelve little girls can really wear you out! Caitlyn and Kylie had their birthday sleepover on Friday night. The girls had a blast of course eating ice cream cake, pigging out on pizza, playing games, painting nails, watching movies, and staying up until 5:30 in the morning. Yes, you heard me right!
The party started about 5:30ish, and while we were waiting for the pizzas to cook, the girls just played and chatted. Many of them were so excited about sleeping over that they put on their jammies as soon as they got here! :D Since both of the girls were having a joined party party, there was a definite divide between the younger girls and the older girls. Luckily, everyone got along and there were no fights the entire night.
Once the girls ate their pizza, it was onto the cake. I usually make the girls each a birthday cake, but we had decided on one cake this year since they were having a joined party. When they asked if they could have an ice cream cake, I wasn't sure I could pull that off, so we went to the store and the girls helped me pick one out. Honestly, even though it felt weird not making them a cake, it was one less thing on my to do list! :)
After cake, it was onto presents and what fun it was. The girls really got some great gifts, and I am so thankful that they have such nice friends. Caitlyn and Kylie also received some gifts from my parents that were big hits. Some of Caitlyn's favorite gifts were the purse and matching wallet she received from her friend Grace, the mp4 player with speakers she received from Grandma and Poppy, the Paperoni set she got from Kasie, and the Bedazzler she got from Taylor. She's already Bedazzled a pair of jeans!
Kylie also hit the jackpot, with many of her favorite things. She received a couple different My Little Ponies, several of her latest obsession Littlest Pet Shop figurines, the TinkerBell movie on Blu-ray from Grandma and Poppy, a Furreal pet, and the new Twister Hopscotch game. Both girls also got a $10 bill and a $10 gift card to McDonald's.
After presents, we played a few games, and gave out some prizes. Each girl received a photo Valentine card from Kylie and Caitlyn along with a Hasbro card game. I had kept all my Hasbro coupons from and used them to snag the card games very inexpensively. Normally retailing for $5.99 a piece, I was able to get ten of them for a little under $10 dollars! Since I had already gotten the photo Valentine cards for free when I signed up for an online photo site, I think I did a pretty good job getting inexpensive party favors.
While the girls actually settled down pretty early and started watching movies, playing Nintendo DS games, and snacking on popcorn and cookies, it was almost hopeless at getting them to sleep. A little after 10 PM, a friend of mine dropped off her teenage daughter (Thanks Savannah and Jackie!!) who had been at a Valentine banquet, to help out for the night. She was a life saver, painting the girls' nails, doing their hair, and spoiling them rotten! I finally collapsed at around 3 AM and only two of the girls were asleep. One of them was my sweet Kylie, she's not a night owl. :) The next morning Savannah said that most of the girls had been up till after 5 AM!
The party was a success and I was so thankful that the girls were so well behaved. But I'm so glad that I don't have to think about another one till next year! :D

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