Since then we've had very weird weather, with the temperatures being well into the fifties one week! But it has cooled back down immensely and the snow started again. Last weekend we got a foot of snow. That's right! A good 12 inches! It hasn't even melted yet and this morning it started snowing again. It's been coming down hard all day and doesn't show any signs of stopping soon. They said on the weather channel that it may turn into sleet later on tonight. Yuck!
While the snow was coming down and the wind was blowing hard, the kids decided earlier that they wanted to get out in it and play for awhile. Armed with my video camera and regular camera, I headed out to get a few shots before I froze my rear end off! Enjoy the pics and video. I love the one of Caitlyn trying to catch snowflakes on her tongue! :D Looks like they're calling for more snow to come our way on Tuesday!!
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