Gearing up for the boys' surgeries has been a little stressful on me. I think being so busy and the lack of sleep that occurred in the last week didn't help either. I know that 999 times out of 1,000, everything is perfectly fine and routine, but mothers just can't help but worry about that one time it isn't. Needless to say, I was a bit of a mess going into yesterday morning, but I kept reminding myself that God is in control!
John David and Luke both were very brave and did a fantastic job. Everything went perfectly, and both boys are up and playing today like nothing even happened. :)
On Saturday, we went to visit some friends who live a little ways out of town on several acres of land. The Minters had invited us over along with another couple, our friends Mark and Candy, and I jumped at the chance to get some relaxing fellowship with our friends. Anything to help me relax and take my mind off Monday's surgeries, right? And it worked. :) We had a fabulous time, and the kids were running around enjoying the freedom of all that space! It didn't hurt matters at all that the Minters' three kids are good friends with our kiddos, and they were all excited to have some play time. Caitlyn was excited too, because she got to see their son Lane. ;)
As the evening wore on and the sun was starting to set, some impromptu baseball started out in one of the fields. I took the opportunity to snap some fun pictures of everyone and to follow Luke around as he explored all the cool surroundings out there in the country. We ended the night roasting marshmallows in the fire pit in their backyard. Can't wait to visit again!! Enjoy the pictures!
Luke was pretty excited when he saw our friends' three wheeler! Just his size he thought........
Soon he grabbed his two Match Box cars and was off to discover what lied around the back of the house....
Oh look, I think I'll crawl in here and play awhile. :)
Soon he discovered an old broken down lawnmower tractor. Perfect for climbing on......
Wait a minute... what are all those people doing out there in the field? And off he went to figure out what was going on.
As soon as Luke figured out that they were playing something with a ball, he had to join in!
Wow! Mr. Kevin is pretty brave! Kneeling in front of a little boy with a bat could prove to be dangerous. :D
Caitlyn and her best friend Taylor
Kylie and her best friend Baylie
Thank you Kevin and Heather for inviting us over! It was a much needed evening of fun and overwhelming peace!!

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