Saturday night was our big Halloween Costume/Birthday Party at our house! We had so much fun, and the kids and I spent the whole day preparing. I posted last week (over at My Four Monkeys) about all the fun food ideas the kids and I were going to try. You can read that post here and compare our results with the originals. What do you think? Pretty good, huh? We may not have gotten perfect results, but the kiddos were a big help and so proud of all their hard work. I took all these photos before the party, and then in my "sick fog" forgot to take any pictures of the actual people at the party! But I promise there were really people here! Here's the spread before it was devoured...

Our Forked Eyeballs

Our Ghost Brownies - Kylie thought it was funny that her ghosts ended up looking like they were throwing up! I guess that added to the Halloween charm. :P

Our Witches Brooms - I sacrificed myself for these delicious cookies, burning my fingers while heating up the chocolate. Again in my "fog", I forgot and left the spoon in the bowl while I microwaved it!! By some miracle, it didn't blow up my microwave, but I grabbed a hold of the spoon without thinking and now have a nice imprint on two of my fingers. Ouch!

Our Halloween Pops - My mom helped us make these cute cookies on a stick while she was visiting. Everyone took a couple home after the party.

Our Witches Hats

Our Moldy Bones

Our Birthday Boy - Happy Birthday Sweetheart! Go Yankees!! Sorry, couldn't help myself ;)

Another thing that we worked hard on and I forgot to take a picture of was our party favors. I saw
this post on Living Locurto and knew this would be the perfect project for the girls and I. We made all the women attending the party a Cookie-in-a-jar Favor. (This picture is from
Living Locurto.)
Living Locurto has a link in her post to download a free template and recipe, but we created our own, printed them out, and backed them with orange construction paper. The girls did almost the entire project themselves, measuring out the ingredients into the jars, cutting out the tags and recipes, even hot gluing the bows on. This would be an easy project to adapt to any occasion. I am planning on making more for favors for my Christmas Cookie Swap Party next month. You can find more cookie-in-a-jar recipes
here at