I found some more random pictures from this last month or so I thought you might enjoy! :)

Posted by Angie at 3:22 PM 0 comments
Yes, we are still alive and, YES, we have power! :) It's been such a crazy week, and Hurricane Irene did a doozy on our area. We weathered the storm very well, and only lost power for a few days. Initially, the power company was telling everyone it would be at least a week before power was returned, so we were pretty excited when it came back on so quickly. We did fine though, and actually enjoyed the 'unplugged' time with the kids, playing board games, and hanging out.
With our busy schedules, I haven't had as much time to post pictures and such here lately. So I thought I'd post some recent pictures from this summer. Everything from a recent trip to the Science Museum with the girls and their friend, Grace, to pictures of the girls and some of their friends at a party we had one night, to pictures of Luke chilling out.
Posted by Angie at 3:08 PM 0 comments
Yes, you read that correctly. :) It's been a bit of a crazy week here. Earlier this week we experienced a 5.8 earthquake that we luckily got out of with a only nice size crack in our ceiling, some things that fell off shelves, and a few scared kiddos. But now, Hurricane Irene has us in her sights, and the winds are picking up! The likelihood that we will get through this without losing power is slim to none, and after our last bad hurricane (where we had no water for a few days and no power for an entire week), I'm not holding my breath.
We are inside, safe and secure, and prepared for the bad weather. I will do my best to keep everyone updated wither by phone, text, or here on the blog. Keep all of those affected by the hurricane in your prayers!
Posted by Angie at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Thanks to an awesome deal recently on Groupon, we now are the proud owners of a year long membership to our local science museum. We headed there for a visit earlier this week, and had a great time. I was surprised at how Luke did, and we even got to see an IMAX movie. So fun!
We're heading the museum for a visit again next Monday. I'm so glad I snagged that deal when I did!
Posted by Angie at 10:49 AM 0 comments
Our local news channel was at one of my coupon workshops recently, and I ended up on TV! It's brief really, but the kids think it's pretty cool! Don't blink! You might miss me. :) (I'm the one teaching the class)
Posted by Angie at 10:27 AM 0 comments
Caitlyn had her end of the year dance recital a week or so ago, and I wanted to share some video and a few pics. She has grown up so much over the past year, and it was really eye opening for Jeremy and I to see how much better she is this year. He doesn't get to see her dance every week like I do, and I kept telling him he was going to be surprised. :) She is really turning into a graceful dancer, and I credit her Lyrical teacher, Ms. Tammy, for that. She has done a stellar job of teaching Caitlyn about finishing movement and 'feeling' the music. She took both Christian Lyrical and Irish Hard Shoe this year. She has really taken a liking to the Irish dances and will be doing Irish Soft Shoe as well next year. The video and pictures were all taken the night of her recital rehearsal, so that I could just enjoy her performances the actual night of the recital. I wanted to soak up these moments.... Anyway, the lighting wasn't great, and well, you can at least hear the music and see the choreography. Enjoy!
Posted by Angie at 3:21 PM 0 comments
This week, I caught this video of Luke trying to blow up a balloon. It was too funny not to share! I kept trying to tell him that these were water balloons and they were too hard to try and blow up, but he just kept trying. :)
Pictures and video of Caitlyn's dance recital will be up in the next few days. We've been super busy working on the new house and trying to get everything straight so we can move in!
Posted by Angie at 2:57 PM 0 comments
As promised, here's a couple pics of the new house! We had our final walk-through last night, so I snapped a couple of the front and back. We are FINALLY closing today. So excited!
Posted by Angie at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Remember those new bikes I said the kids got for Easter? Well, here are the pics and video finally. :) I know, I've been a slacker. Luke LOVES his new bike (big wheel) and makes us laugh when he rides around making car noises. By the way, here's an update on the house. Our closing was postponed yet again, and has now been scheduled for this Tuesday. I'm not holding my breath at this point. I'll post some pictures of the house as soon as we close!
Posted by Angie at 10:49 AM 0 comments