Caitlyn had her end of the year dance recital a week or so ago, and I wanted to share some video and a few pics. She has grown up so much over the past year, and it was really eye opening for Jeremy and I to see how much better she is this year. He doesn't get to see her dance every week like I do, and I kept telling him he was going to be surprised. :) She is really turning into a graceful dancer, and I credit her Lyrical teacher, Ms. Tammy, for that. She has done a stellar job of teaching Caitlyn about finishing movement and 'feeling' the music. She took both Christian Lyrical and Irish Hard Shoe this year. She has really taken a liking to the Irish dances and will be doing Irish Soft Shoe as well next year. The video and pictures were all taken the night of her recital rehearsal, so that I could just enjoy her performances the actual night of the recital. I wanted to soak up these moments.... Anyway, the lighting wasn't great, and well, you can at least hear the music and see the choreography. Enjoy!
UPDATE on the house: No, we have still not moved in, but we are very close. Hopefully within the week. The house is really starting to come together, and I am so excited. I have plenty of pictures and even some video, but once we start getting rooms completed I will post before and afters for you. There's a few rooms that are completely done except for the carpet which will be installed on Thursday. So close!!