I wanted to take a quick moment and post some of the pictures from my sister's wedding this past Saturday. It was such a gorgeous wedding, and a very emotional moment for our whole family. My little sister is the baby of the family, and marrying her off to such a wonderful man was a bittersweet blessing. I didn't actually get pictures of the wedding or the reception, because since I was the Matron of Honor, I was sort of busy. But I did manage to snap some photos while we were getting ready the morning of the wedding. All the girls met at the church early that morning to have breakfast together and get our hair and makeup done.
All three little girls (Caitlyn, Kylie and my niece Haley) were very excited about getting their hair done special, and since the two youngest ones were the flower girls they were extra excited. My sister-in-law, Crystal, did lots of hair including mine and my sister's. She did a fabulous job! About half way through the morning, we realized that we were not going to have time to get all the girls' hair done and luckily Nanny had just arrived in town and hurried over to the church to help out. Here's a few pictures of the little girls getting their hair done. Kylie and Haley had a movie going in a side room that kept them busy while they were very patiently waiting. :)
After pictures we all went back to the changing room to get a bite to eat and Dad came down to see us. I think he looked very calm. Don't you? =D
The whole morning went by very quickly and right before my eyes, Andrea turned into a beautiful bride! From the hair to the makeup to the dress, everything was perfect!

I thank God for blessing Andrea and Clay with such a beautiful day and blessing me with such a great little sister all these years! Love you, sis!