It has begun! John David is getting old enough now that I'm starting to really get a taste of what it's like to be the mother of a young boy. You know, all the little things that come specifically with boys, hiding his tears so Mommy doesn't see him cry, wrestling with anyone and anything, the importance of superhero undies, spontaneously breaking into pirate play (no matter where he is), and the latest: surprises in his pockets. You might remember a post back in 2007, when we attended the Foster Family picnic, and John let a frog loose on the picnic table while everyone was eating. Well, today is wasn't a frog in his pocket (although I'm just waiting for that one), but it was a handful of rocks. Yes, rocks! I didn't catch them before they were washed, so now they're shiny rocks. :) I love my boys! Love you all, and thank you to God Almighty for a handful of rocks to remind me how precious these days are......
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thousand Word Thursday
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I thought these were just that!
The Many Faces of Kylie
Posted by Angie at 11:59 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sidewalk Art
Friday, the weather was beautiful and the kids were outside most of the day. In the evening, the kids started doodling on the driveway with sidewalk chalk, their favorite summer toy. Before long we had all joined in the fun, and the driveway was filled with our masterpieces! Kylie was really into her drawings and even did a self portrait. My favorite? Jeremy's drawing of Luke. :) With 90 degree weather this weekend, it feels like Spring rushed right by us, and Summer is here. Even though I am not a big fan of 90 degree weather, last Friday reminded me just how much I love those lazy summer evenings outdoors. Love you all, and thank you to God ALmighty for a weekend full of great weather!
Posted by Angie at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Save More & Give More
I have been waging war on the steadily increasing prices at the grocery store! Over the last six weeks or so, I have immersed myself in all the educational material I could find about coupons. I have discovered that there is a world of coupon pros that exist out there in cyberspace. I have now become one of them! I started a new blog for the ladies at our church, to help my fellow sisters in Christ save money, but also to encourage them to spread the wealth by donating extra items to be used for missionary care packages. Anyway, I thought maybe some of my family and friends would like to get in on the couponing! So here's the link to Save More & Give More : . Just click on the link and check out the sales! Some of the sales and coupons are regional, so they may not be available in your area, but most are.
*Disclaimer: Couponing is addictive, so proceed with caution! :)
Posted by Angie at 11:51 AM 1 comments
The New Batman
John David LOVES super heroes, as does any four yr old boy. His new favorite is Batman. He doesn't have a Batman costume as of yet, so the other day he decided to make his own. He took his fleece lined jacket and turned it inside out (it's grey on the inside of course). Then he asked me to cut holes in a long piece of scrap black fleece for his eyes and mouth. He put one piece of fleece on the top of his head and another over his face to construct his Batman mask. As you can see from the picture, he looked very fierce! :) Love you all, and thank you to God Almighty for a little boy with a passion for super heroes!
Posted by Angie at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Tooth #2
Well, Luke has been teething like crazy these last few weeks. I have felt so bad for him, because he seems to be really miserable at times. Since he refuses to let anyone near his teeth, still no pictures. I noticed this morning that a second tooth is coming in right next to the first one! Finally some fruit for his labors!! I will try to get a good picture. If I can't get one of his teeth, at least one good one of him. He is changing so quickly it seems. It's hard to believe he's eight months old already. Luke is EXTREMELY close to crawling. He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks, even moving his back legs back and forth, but has yet to take off. Soon, I'm sure he will be zipping around here. Time for more baby proofing! Right now he scoots and rolls around the house, but slow enough for me to clear a path. I can tell those days are numbered. Have a great week. Love you all, and thank you to God Almighty for a happy, healthy Luke!
Posted by Angie at 10:32 AM 2 comments
Monday Morning Funnies
Here's another dose of Monday Morning Funnies. These cartoons are so close to real life for me it's not funny! :)
Posted by Angie at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
More Birdhouses
Last Saturday we tried out the Lowes Kids Workshop. It went very well, and the kids made more birdhouses. We have them all up in the backyard, and the birds are actually using a few of them! Since putting them up, we have seen several different kinds of birds, including some robins (they are building a nest in our bush) and a gorgeous male cardinal. During the workshop I helped Kylie. Actually, I just held the wood still while she nailed. She did very well, and only hit my finger once! Our birdhouse was a little crooked, but we did it together and that's all the counts, right? Here's a few pictures of the kids painting their birdhouses after we returned home. Kylie really liked her safety goggles they gave her. :) Love you all, and thank you to God Almighty for some more free family fun.John decided to go the easy route and use markers! :)
Posted by Angie at 3:02 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Our Origami Addiction
Since Caitlyn got her origami kit on our most recent Washington, D.C. trip, her and I have been folding and creasing till our fingers were sore! We've made lots of cool stuff and I even managed to finish a scorpion! We've been having lots of fun, and thought we would share some pictures of our creations with you. Love you all and thank you to God Almighty for some good clean Mother/Daughter fun!
The Scorpion
A Teeny Pair of High Heels
A Lily
The Crane
Caitlyn's Snack Cup Filled With Pretzel Sticks
Posted by Angie at 10:17 AM 1 comments