Thursday, December 3, 2009

Strep Attacks

Well, I thought we were out of the woods with sickness here, but I was wrong! As soon as we returned from our Thanksgiving trip, John David spiked a high fever and ended up in the pediatrician's office... again. He has strep and now Luke is running a fever too! It seems we can't catch a break lately and the boys can't seem to recoup from one thing before catching another. Until at least some time next week, the boys and I are quarantined. :D

Kylie has her performance of The Nutcracker next week on the 11th, so we need to all be well for that. We had a great time on our trip and I have pictures to get loaded and posted. Hopefully later today, I'll get around to posting the pictures and tell you all about our adventure during Thanksgiving, wedding dress shopping with my little sis, and having Christmas with my side of the family.

Pray we don't pass the strep around!!
